Code of Ethics

Our Code of Ethics
Respect for the Vizsla


VCGNY members shall always conduct themselves in a manner which will reflect credit upon themselves, their Vizslas, and the Sport of Purebred Dogs, regardless of the location or circumstances.
Members shall maintain the best possible standards of canine health, cleanliness, and veterinary care in an atmosphere conducive to the stable development of their dogs.
VCGNY members shall breed only with the intention of improving the breed by breeding only those Vizslas who conform to the standard as recognized by the American Kennel Club, exhibit soundness, stable temperament, natural hunting ability, and conformation as set forth in the official Vizsla Standard.
VCGNY members shall breed only those dogs who are free of serious hereditary defects including epilepsy, progressive retinal atrophy, Von Willebrand's disease, entropion, and cranial muscular atrophy and who are over two years of age and have been x-rayed and are OFA certified free from hip dysplasia.
Members shall honestly evaluate the quality of the Vizslas sold and fairly represent that evaluation and urge puppy purchasers to spay and neuter all pets which for any reason will not be used for breeding.
VCGNY members shall not release puppies under seven weeks of age. Members should furnish details on feeding, care, inoculations, pedigrees and written sales agreements. Screen all prospective buyers to assure that puppies have safe and loving homes. Supply assistance and support to puppy buyers for the life of the dog.
VCGNY members shall encourage owners to become involved in Vizsla activities, the Vizsla Club of America and their local Vizsla Club.
The Officers and the Board of Director of the Vizsla Club of Greater New York in cognizance of their respective responsibilities to protect the breed and foster it's development, do hereby condemn cross breeding of pure breed cross breeding of pure breed Vizslas, and falsification of registration documents. All persons following the fancy of Vizslas are enjoined to subscribe to this ethic in the best interest of the breed.

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